Hunting Kudu on Buffalo Kloof: A Rite of Passage
Written by Adrian Donian.
The Eastern Cape is well known for its diverse landscapes and wildlife, offering unique hunting opportunities for clients from around the world. Buffalo Kloof embodies all that is great about the Eastern Cape. As a host to 5 of the 9 biomes found in South Africa, it is one of the most diverse landscapes in the Southern Hemisphere.
I have been privileged enough to hunt and guide on Buffalo Kloof for the past 6 years. Among all the incredible species that thrive in this landscape, kudu is still one that stands out as one of the most sought-after by clients and PHs alike, a true test of a hunter’s skill and perseverance.
Buffalo Kloof’s Challenging Terrain
One of the defining characteristics of hunting at Buffalo Kloof is the challenging and ever-changing terrain. Areas of thick bush, steep ravines, rocky outcrops, and rolling valleys make for a formidable environment for both hunter and prey.
Buffalo Kloof has wide open plains, but also thick vegetation that requires stealth and precision. The kudu being an expert at blending into its surroundings, makes full use of its environment.
Their ability to move quietly through the underbrush and stand still for hours on end makes them difficult to spot. Hunters need to stay watchful and focused at all times.
It is finding the kudu bull that is usually a rollercoaster ride of emotions. It can sometimes take days to find the right bull – this is where teamwork, constant encouragement and the sheer belief that we will succeed are often our only motivating factors.
The Art of Hunting a Kudu
Often when hunting for kudu with clients, we find ourselves crawling on our bellies, slipping quietly through dense bushes and thorn trees, crossing rivers, or staying crouched for long periods waiting for the right moment to move.
A snap of a single twig is often the difference between failure and success. It’s a mental and physical game, and the terrain can test a hunter’s limits.
For me, this is what makes the adventure so thrilling! The Eastern Cape thicket demands respect – it does not give up its secrets easily. Some days it can be incredibly forgiving, offering opportunities around every corner, on other days it can seem like the bush has swallowed up all the animals and none of your plans pan out.
The terrain, matched with the kudu’s elusive nature, is exactly why I believe this hunt is for any hunter wanting to test their mental and physical fortitude.
Rutting Season
The excitement of kudu hunting reaches its peak during the rutting season, typically in April and May.
During this time, these magnificent antelope change their behaviour drastically. Bulls are driven by instincts to fight for dominance and mate with females. The rutting calls echo across the thicket creating a dramatic soundtrack to an already challenging hunt.
This is when these magnificent antelope are at their most active. The big bulls that have been elusive all year long suddenly are out in droves all competing for dominance and following herds of females.
At Buffalo Kloof we have a very healthy kudu population – and due to good management – excellent genetics that are improving year on year. Those who have hunted the elusive grey ghosts know that seeing large numbers of kudu is something very special and a testimony to the conservation and protection of the habitat at Buffalo Kloof where kudu thrive. Hunting kudu during the rut is both challenging and highly exhilarating.
For those lucky enough to experience hunting kudu in the Eastern Cape Thicket, especially on Buffalo Kloof, it’s more than just a hunt – it’s a rite of passage.